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Giga-Corp > Products > Mobile Racks > SI-117A
Giga-Corp > Produits > Stockage > SI-117A

Le SSI SI-117A tiroir amovible pour 2.5" disques durs IDE d'ordinateurs portatifs

Ce tiroir du disque dur vous permet d'utiliser le disque dur d'un ordinateur portatif. C'est utile pour chargement du disque dur. C'est bon si vous avez besoin d'un petit disque dur pour vos données, et un disque dur régulier est trop grand. Les rails sont faits de métal. Le SI-117A va à l'intérieur d'un espace de 3.5." C'est l'espace d'un disque souple. Le SI-117A peut être placé à l'intérieur d'un 5.25" adaptateur souple. Le tiroir amovible est fait hors de plastique. Les morceaux sont dégagés si ils ne se sont pas assemblés correctement.

The SSI SI-117A Mobile Rack for 2.5" notebook IDE drives
This is a unique mobile rack subsystem. Installed in a computer, it will allow the use of a 2.5" notebook drive as the removable. This is helpful when you want to load from a customized image source, eliminating the need custom-installing software onto the notebook manually, a common procedure after you use a manufacturer's restore backup CD. You can remove the notebook harddrive from the notebook, and put it in the mobile rack caddy, and then slide it into the frame that sits in the desktop, and begin the copy process from a source into that removed notebook drive.

The frame is made out of metal. It is a 3.5" width device, it can be mounted in a 5.25" bay with the use of a floppy adapter. The caddy part is entirely made of plastic, and was designed for containing a 2.5" harddrive permanently, the shells must be screwed together tight to house the 2.5" drive. It may be difficult to use for bulk loading notebooks, as the pieces are loose if it isn't screwed together. It's also possible to cannibalize the whole device just to get the adapter that converts from a mini-ide to the standard ide 40-pin.



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